Iframes And Same-Origin-Policy And Reverse Proxy Hack
Solution 1:
Yes, there is something you are missing.
The Same Origin Policy secures the client-side of website access.
If you setup mydomain.com/othersite
to be proxied to site2.com
then the browser would not be sending the user's cookies for site2.com
to your site at mydomain.com
. All you would get is the cookies your site had set on mydomain.com
for that user. That is, all you would be attacking was your mydomain.com
session with site2.com
, not the user's session with site2.com
(as your reverse proxy effectively makes mydomain.com
the client of this connection).
If there was a way to circumvent the Same Origin Policy this would have to be something client-side in order to have the browser send cookies to your domain.
I realise I've concentrated on cookies here, however cookies are an easy to grasp concept of an example of client objects that the Same Origin Policy protects. Your appoach would allow you to manipulate the DOM of site2.com
but it would not be in the context of your visitor's access to site2.com
, it would be in the context of your own access to site2.com
- nothing that the visitor accesses could be changed unless they trusted your site enough to log into the proxied version site2.com
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