Input Text Into Html Input Box Using Vba
I am trying to input a value into a from on an internet explorer page using VBA. I have seen similar posts but can't seem to pinpoint my problem. I am somewhat fluent with VBA bu
Solution 1:
As sid mentioned, you have an extra "=" sign.
SetObjCollection= ie.Document.getElementsByName("user_numbers.1.number_1").Value = "123"
ie.Document.getElementsByName("user_numbers.1.number_1")(0).Value = "123"
This is just off my head and not tested code. If this doesn't work replace (0)
in the above code with (1)
If there is no other element on the page with the same name then this will work.
Otherwise replace (0)
in the above statement with appropriate ordinal position.
Solution 2:
How about finding the ID everytime like this
my_var = ie.doc.body.innerhtml
pos_1 = instr(1, my_var, "user_numbers.1.number_1", vbTextCompare)
pos_2 = InStrRev(my_var, "id", pos_1, vbTextCompare)
pos_3 = instr(pos_2, my_var, "name", vbTextCompare)
my_id = mid(my_var, 3+pos_2, (-1+pos_3) - (3+pos_2)
now try
ie.Document.getElementById(my_id).Value = "123"
I can't get access to your url, so you might have to tweak the numbers added and subtracted in the "mid" function
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