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How Do I Use The Deezer Api?

I'm trying to use the deezer api to look up artists and display their name and image using Jquery. Here's my code: $.getJSON(''+q+'', fu

Solution 1:

The error is thrown because your browser is blocking the request. Because you execute this from javascript from your own site or maybe localhost, you do a cross-site request by calling a different url (the Deezer url). There are multiple ways to solve this problem.

  1. Try the following 'hack' with jsonp:

    // Using YQL and JSONP
        url: ""+q,
        // the name of the callback parameter, as specified by the YQL servicejsonp: "callback",
        // tell jQuery we're expecting JSONPdataType: "jsonp",
        // tell YQL what we want and that we want JSONdata: {
            format: "json"
        // work with the responsesuccess: function( response ) {
             $.each(data, function(i,item){
                 var y=item.picture;
                 var z=x+y;
                 $("#artists").append("<div id='card_artist'><div id='cardimg' style='background-image: url("+ z +");'></div><div id='artistname' class='jtextfill'><span>" + + "<span></div></div>");


Or 2. You route the request through your own server. With a server side language like php you do the request to the Deezer Api, and with jQuery you call that php page.

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