My Ajaxform Redirects To A Php Script
Solution 1:
The default behaviour of an <input type="submit">
is to submit the form.
There two ways to fix this. The first one is to simply make your input
a button
. That will prevent the browser to send the form.
A better way though is to be JavaScript-independent and use what @Jeemusu said, use preventDefault()
to prevent the submit to occur.
Solution 2:
Try this:
It should prevent your input from doing its default behavior of redirecting the page.
To redirect to another page you should use something like:
window.location.href = '';
on the ajax's Success event.
Edit 2:
Try this fiddle: Make sure your references are correct. Seems to me the AjaxForm plugin has some way to prevent default behavior on the button.
Solution 3:
Solution 4:
instead of using type="submit"
you can use:
or you can make use of .preventDefault();
Solution 5:
Or you could attach to the event "onsubmit" of the form. And return false in that function. i.e.:
$('#f1').submit(function() {
// do your ajax stuff... and when completed (success) redirect // using document.location.href = 'index.html';returnfalse;
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