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Float 2 Divs To Right, One Atop The Other

Just when I think I'm beginning to get the hang of floats, I realize I'm clueless. I'm trying to the 2 divs of different widths to float to the right of my page here: recipe page I

Solution 1:

If you want to get the ingredients and directions below the picture, you should surround it with a


Solution 2:

So after your comments, I think the problems is you have an extra closing div tag in your code here:

<scripttype="text/javascript"src="//"></script><!-- AddThis Button END --></div><br><br><b>Ingredients</b><ul>

Remove it:

<scripttype="text/javascript"src="//"></script><!-- AddThis Button END --><br><br><b>Ingredients</b><ul>

Solution 3:

All of this was taking place in the article section of the code. I got it to work by wrapping the star rating and social sharing in a left-floating inline-block div and then wrapping the print box and photo in a right-floating inline-block div, and having the total widths of those inline-block divs match the article width. I added HTML comments so I can easily code other pages in this section with different width photos in the right-floating div:

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, but it displays correctly in all major modern browsers and on my iPad. If anyone knows a better way to do this, feel free to share. But for now, it's working. Thanks, Deborah

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